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End Malnutrition, Save Lives!

MaryaNutri© creates highly nutritious innovative insect-fortified foods to treat severe acute malnutrition in children.

Every 10 seconds, a child dies from malnutrition, 0 since you started reading this page.

Malnourished child receiving medical aid

The World Health Organization (WHO) informs us that ...

  • 45% of deaths among children under 5 are linked to undernutrition
  • In 2022, 149 million children under 5 were estimated to be stunted (too short)
  • In Africa, 50% of preschool children have a micronutrient deficiency
Maryam Imbumi
Growing up in Kenya, twice I almost died because of hunger and malnutrition. It was at age 6 I decided I wanted to solve malnutrition.
- Our founder Maryam Imbumi

Insects are highly nutritious and sustainable food sources

Comparison of insect farming vs. livestock

For the same amount of protein, you need 10x times less land and 1000x times less water

  • Insect farming is far more sustainable compared to livestock
  • Requires significantly less land and water to produce
  • Almost zero greenhouse gas emissions
  • Take only weeks to grow, as opposed to months or years
  • Mealworms & crickets are approved human foods by the European commission
Larva graphic
Grasshopper graphic

Relief funds should be spent on healthy food

Ladybug graphic
Worm graphic