Every 10 seconds, a child dies from malnutrition, 0 since you started reading this page.
The World Health Organization (WHO) informs us that ...
- 45% of deaths among children under 5 are linked to undernutrition
- In 2022, 149 million children under 5 were estimated to be stunted (too short)
- In Africa, 50% of preschool children have a micronutrient deficiency
Growing up in Kenya, twice I almost died because of hunger and malnutrition. It was at age 6 I decided I wanted to solve malnutrition.
- Our founder Maryam Imbumi
Insects are highly nutritious and sustainable food sources
For the same amount of protein, you need 10x times less land and 1000x times less water
- Insect farming is far more sustainable compared to livestock
- Requires significantly less land and water to produce
- Almost zero greenhouse gas emissions
- Take only weeks to grow, as opposed to months or years
- Mealworms & crickets are approved human foods by the European commission